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Birth Currents

Birth Currents contains summaries of interesting developments in maternal and child health, as well as humorous childbirth and pregnancy tidbits, birth stories, and a calendar of Southern California midwifery-related events.

Article Summaries:

| Bat Midwives? | Dental Sealants | Breastmilk & Intelligence |
| Preemies and Touch Therapy | Auto-Immune Disease | Midwifery in Denmark || National Organization for Women's Definition of Reproductive Freedom Includes Childbirth Choices |

Midwifery-Related Events in Southern California

Birth Tales: Stories of Amazing Births (submitted by midwives, apprentices, doulas and parents)

Terence Freitas: Son of Los Angeles area childbirth educator Julie Freitas, was murdered in Columbia while working for the survival of the indiginious people of the rainforest-Go here to send money in his memory. Taking medication generico to treat Erectile Dysfunction.

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